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Monday, November 5, 2012

Halo 4

Tonight at midnight Halo 4 is released. If you don't know what halo is, it's probably one of the biggest FPS (first person shooters) on the XBOX (not made for ps3). It's probably the top competitor with the Call of Duty series but in my opinion they're two way different games. Halo is a featuristic game and is known for there great story modes. The main character, Master Chief returns if you don't know. The game already looks amazing if you watched the DEMO played on E3, crisp flawless gameplay, the visuals are amazing and it's just an all around smooth great game it looks like. All the HALO's have yet to dissapoint me as I enjoy each and everyone. I already have high hopes for this game and I hope it matches up to them.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MATH this year

Grade 11 Math this year is such a big leap from grade 10. I was in grade 10 applied now i'm in grade 11 mixed math but I need it to get into tech math next year. I've been struggling the whole semester and i've been doing my homework. It's really confusing and WAY harder then last year. It's finnaly starting to get easier because we are done with quadratics ( FINNALY ) so now we're doing trig which is basically kind of easy. It's just inputting stuff into the calculator if you know what you're doing. Maths isn't really my strongest subject.

the dentist.....

Yesterday I went to the dentist to get 2 Build ups on the 2 teeth beside my two middle teeth. It took like 2 hours it wasn`t painless because my whole head was frozen for a few hours which is annoying because I cant eat or drink. I had to wait for my braces to come off to get these "build ups", they're only plastic but in 2 years they said I can switch them out with something more real, they said I have to be 18 to be eligble for them. It's not that big of a deal but it had to be done.

Flyers vs Penguins

Phildelphia  Flyers versed the penguin in game 4 last night. Flyers were on a roll as of lately they were 3-0 until last night. The penguins went off it was crazy the final score was 10-3 penguins. Scoring 10goals to win the game, they just destroyed them. Everyone was playing dirty, there were like 3 suspensions last game. Ronaldo sucker punched a defence men from the flyers last night which he had no clue which was coming. It`s going to be pretty crazy for the rest of the season.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

movies of 2011/2012

Just felt like blogging about some movies i've seen and think are the top movies to see and new coming movies to see in 2012.

This is in no particular order.

- Scream 4 ( Movie was bound to be good, it was 10 years since the 3rd one)
-Fast Five ( always been a fan of the fast furious and was waiting for this to come out for a while, saw it in theaters the First Day.
-21 Jump Street ( Couldn't stop laughing )
- The Dark Knight Rises ( Soon to come, Trailer looks amazing)
- Transformers The Dark of The Moon. (I thought it was good, but in my opinion wasn't the best transformers.)
- Silent House ( Good thriller, not that scary but you'll always be guessing what's next)

This is just a short list of some of the movies i've seen and some movies I want to see.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


School has been easy for the most part. We've had lots of short weeks do to holidays and half days. This weekend is easter break so we get good friday off and easter monday so it's a four day weekend. This semester is better then last semester because I like the elective courses better. The only thing I don't like is mixed math, because I came from applied i'm struggling right now. Hopefully it gets easier because right now it's not looking so good

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March Break

The march break was fun, sleeping in everyday and going to sleep really late. My sleeping schedule is messed up now that school is back, some long and tiring days. I didn't do that much on the break saw some movies, hung out with friends and family. The movies I saw were SilentHouse, Project X and Chronicle. All good movies in my opinion I would watch them again. Nothing really more to say just that the break was fun.